BEVERLY N. McFARLAND (Senior Advisor)
With nearly 50 years of business experience, and over 37 years owning her own firm, Beverly N. McFarland, Chief Executive Officer of The Beverly Group, Inc., has an extensive record in various fiduciary roles and asset management. Receivership and Chapter 11 appointments have included prominent and well-known cases including one of the largest ponzi schemes in Northern California, major fast food franchisees, manufacturing companies, development projects, along with numerous other businesses and real estate assets.
Uniquely, Ms. McFarland is able to apply the experience of creating and operating a substantial nationwide company to her practice. In 1983, Ms. McFarland formed The Beverly Group, Inc. (“TBG”), a fiduciary/asset management firm (joined by Kevin J. Whelan in 1986). The company has performed services on assets valued in excess of $8 billion dollars nationwide, including fully staffed offices in Sacramento, CA, Denver, CO and Tampa, Florida plus a field due diligence operation (during the late 1980’s and 90’s to service federal engagements). Fiduciary appointments and services have been provided in both Federal and State Court, and for government agencies including the FADA, FSLIC, FDIC and RTC.
Known as an expert, proactive “hands on” manager with the ability to navigate complex matters, Ms. McFarland has also provided live testimony to the U.S. House Banking Committee in Washington D.C. on matters pertaining to real estate and contracting with the Federal Government.
Examples of Appointments
- Chapter 11 Trustee ~ four corporations that owned 70 Jack in the Box stores
- Chapter 11 Trustee ~ three corporations that owned 27 Taco Bell stores
- Chapter 11 Trustee ~ $200 million Ponzi scheme case
- Receiver ~ PUD for 207 completed and partially completed Bay Area homes
- Receiver ~ FCC regulated radio stations
- Receiver ~ computer consulting firm providing emergency services to a major city
- Receiver ~ an international toy manufacturing company and wholesaler
- Chapter 11 Trustee ~ commercial marina and dockominium project on Lake Tahoe
- Chapter 11 Trustee ~ dissolution of 40-year internal medical practice
- Chapter 11 Trustee ~ the management and disposition of environmentally sensitive lands and agricultural projects
- Asset management and disposition on hundreds of real estate projects, loans and business assets through contracts with the Federal Government and court appointed receiverships.
Other Accomplishments (Past and Present
- Expert witness, testifying before the United States House of Representatives Banking Committee on issues pertained to real estate and contracting with the Federal Government. ULC advisor/observer for committees on receivership issues.
- Chair of California Receivers Forum advanced receivership program, “Receivership Law and Practice” Loyola IV.
- Panelist at Loyola I, II and III, “Receivership Law and Practice.”
- Founding member of the Board of Directors, California Receivers Forum, State Chair 2001-2002.
- Founding member and first Chair, California Receivers Forum Sacramento Valley Chapter.
- Previous member of the Board of Directors for the California Bankruptcy Forum, Sacramento Valley Bankruptcy Forum and the Bay Area Turnaround Managers Association.